against Oromo refugees and fear of their lives still have no solution, this applies to Oromos refugees in Kenya, Egypt, Djabouti, Somaliland, Somalia, Sudan, South Africa and other African Countries.we look for more voice against this oppression that this cannot happen to any Oromos anywhere. Once an Oromo refugee deported from Kenya and killed in Ethiopian prison by Ethiopian Government, the story of Mr. Tesfahun Camada will remain in all Oromos mind. Caaya Tokkummaa Baqattoota Oromoo biyyaa Masrii Miseensotaa isaatif, Baqattootaa Oromoo kan biroollee kan Biyyaa Masrii jiraatan akk uf eeganno cimaa qabaatan isan yaadachiifnaa, Jiruun Biyyaa Ormaa hedduu rakkoodhaa ammaas namaa yaachiftii. Injifannoon Tan Ummata Oromooti. Oromiyaan Ni Bilisoomtii !!!
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